Day 1 Status Update: Students are interested and engaged! by Jonathan Buchholz on June 13, 2022

Today was the first day of the Willston Web Coding Bootcamp and it was a great success! Thank you to Ms. Maralee, Patrick, Rebecca, Ricardo, and my mom for arriving early to help set up. All 13 students we were expecting showed up and were very interested in learning. They stayed on task and were productive with their time. Many of them are eager to continue working and wanted to bring their laptops home so they could keep going through curriculum. The prospect of a premium laptop is quite the motivator! One student has limited English proficiency, but was still able to follow along with brief explanations in Spanish when needed.

Students learned how to use a new operating system (Pop!_OS), laid out HTML document structure with paper, and completed at least steps 1-6 of freeCodeCamp's (New) Responsive Web Design Certificate, where they learned about header and paragraph tags, comments, SEO (search engine optimization), and indentation. Here is a link to today's lesson plan and below are photos from our first day:

Wilson looks to the board for instruction
Wilson looks to the board for instruction
Janet points out something to Juan
Janet points out something to Juan
Juan explains a concept to Janet
Juan explains a concept to Janet
Jonathan (student) works with Patrick
Patrick works with Jonathan (student), who is next to Mark
The team pauses for a picture after setting up for the day
The team pauses for a picture after setting up for the day

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